Live Cricket Score Plugin Documentation is for those who have some coding knowledge. Developers can extend the plugin work with the help of documentation.
You can copy the below code in your active theme functions.php. If you don’t know how it works feel free to contact us
Add Adsense Code
<?php add_action('lcw-ad-code','google_code'); function google_code(){ echo "Your Ad code will goes here"; } ?>
Edit text of Series page
<?php add_filter( 'lcw_series_text' , 'youprefix_add_series_text'); function youprefix_add_series_text(){ return 'Any text here'; } ?>
Edit text of Complete Tab here
<?php add_filter( 'lcw_completed_tab_text' , 'youprefix_add_completed_tab_text'); function youprefix_add_completed_tab_text(){ return 'Any text here'; } ?>
Edit text of Upcoming Tab here
<?php add_filter( 'lcw_upcomming_tab_text' , 'youprefix_add_upcomming_tab_text'); function youprefix_add_upcomming_tab_text(){ return 'Any text here'; } ?>
Add New Tab on Match detail Page here
<?php function ulcwp_add_new_tab($arr) { $extra_tabs = array( 'News'=>'news',// first one is text and and 2nd is id which will used later in tab-pane div... ); // combine the two arrays $tabs = array_merge($arr,$extra_tabs ); return $tabs; } add_filter('lcw_add_match_tabs', 'ulcwp_add_new_tab'); add_action('additional_tab_content','ulcwp_add_news_content'); function ulcwp_add_news_content(){ ?> <div class="tab-pane" id="news" role="tabpanel">This will add News tab content </div> <?php } ?>
Note: All these code will be placed in your active theme functions.php file
Video Guide